German hospital says quads born to 65-year-old doing well - Go.! Magazine


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German hospital says quads born to 65-year-old doing well

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BERLIN (AP) — Doctors say quadruplets born prematurely a month ago to a 65-year-old woman in Germany are doing well and gaining weight but one remains on a respirator.
Berlin's Charite hospital said Wednesday the four babies — a girl named Neeta and three boys named Dries, Bence and Fjonn — have put on 30 to 50 percent of their birth weights since they were delivered by cesarean section on May 19.
The hospital says one has been taken off a respirator but another still needs help breathing.
Annegret Raunigk is believed to be the oldest woman to have ever delivered quadruplets.
The retired schoolteacher already has 13 other children aged 9 to 44 from five fathers. She traveled abroad to have donated, fertilized eggs implanted — a procedure that's illegal in Germany.

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