$10 Bill to Feature a Woman in 2020 -- Details! - Go.! Magazine


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$10 Bill to Feature a Woman in 2020 -- Details!

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$10 Bill to Feature a Woman in 2020 -- Details!

Money talks — and starting in 2020, the $10 bill will have a different voice! U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced on Wednesday, June 17, that the $10 bill is being redesigned to feature a woman's portrait. (It currently features Alexander Hamilton, who was the nation's first treasury secretary.)
The new currency will debut in five years to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Constitution's 19th Amendment, which guaranteed women's right to vote. As Lew noted, it will be the first bill in more than a century to feature the portrait of a woman. (According to CNN Money, Martha Washington briefly appeared on the $1 silver certificate in the late 1800s.)
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"U.S. currency, and the images of great leaders and landmarks that our notes depict, has long been a way for us to honor our past, express our values, and capture the prevailing sentiment of the time," Lew said in a video announcement about the news. "This historic endeavor has been years in the making."
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The Treasury has not yet decided which historic female figure will be chosen for the honor, but they're open to suggestions. "Democracy is the theme for the next redesigned series of U.S. notes...We want to know what democracy means to you, to your family, and to our nation," he explained, "and we want you to share your ideas, symbols, and designs for the new 10."
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In fact, many people have already weighed in on potential candidates, via an unofficial campaign earlier this year to put a woman on the $20 bill. Hundreds of thousands of supporters voted on a list of finalists including Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Wilma Mankiller, and Harriet Tubman, the latter of whom was declared the theoretical winner.
Lew will make the final decision about the face on the redesigned $10 bill, but CNN Money says it could take months to name an honoree. (Miley Cyrus, pictured above, is not in the running; by law, the portrait must be of someone who is no longer alive.)
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Whoever she is, she won't completely replace Alexander Hamilton, who's been on the bill since 1929. Per CNN, Hamilton may appear alongside the woman or appear as the featured portrait on a parallel series of new $10 bills.
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